Local Church begins Candy Crushers Anonymous Program to Help with the Growing Addiction


Argenta United Methodist today begins a new program to help with the growing addiction to Candy Crush in Central Arkansas.

Candy Crushers Anonymous (CCA) will be an open program on Thursday and Saturday nights for anyone dealing with addiction to the popular mobile phone game. The first program begins tonight at Argenta UMC’s location at 421 Main Street in North Little Rock.

“I began to notice this was a problem when we went out with some friends a few months ago,” Argenta UMC’s minister Will Choate tells us. “Suddenly I realized several hours had passed without anyone saying a word. All the adults were playing Candy Crush and the young kids were no where to be found. Thankfully the kids were down the road listening to a band at After Thought, but I realized the real problem was Candy Crush.”

Choate decided to find ways to treat his own addiction, but was unable to discovery any local programs. He decided the best solution was to form something on his own.

“I began studying 12 step programs like Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous,” Choate says. “I knew the only way we were going to get through this addiction was with the support of others.”

Since announcing the Candy Crushers Anonymous program Choate has had over 241 people sign up. Thursday’s were added to the original Saturday meeting to help with capacity issues at Argenta UMC.

Meeting participants are required to turn in their phones at the beginning of the meeting for a Candy Crush free environment. Additionally participants must commit to spending their meeting day without giving lives or tickets to others. Like traditional 12 step programs, participants are encouraged to first admit they have a problem in order to overcome the problem.

The program is expecting rapid growth over the next few months. To attend, new participants must be given three tickets from existing CCA members to gain entry. Those looking to join CCA are encouraged to make multiple requests to others on Facebook.



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Local Church begins Candy Crushers Anonymous Program to Help with the Growing Addiction