Arkansas Legislator Passes Law Banning Stopping at Third Base


The Arkansas legislator has now passed a bill defining that the life of a human begins at the moment just before the decision to engage in possible conception starts. This new law would prevent same sex couples from pulling out of potential intercorse in the last stages, making the decision to turn away an illegal abortion.

The bill known as the “Stopping at Third Ban” passed by a straight party line vote of 21-14 in the senate and 51-49 in the house. After an expected veto by Governor Mike Beebe the veto was overridden 21-0 in the senate after the Democrat senators abstained from voting to further boycot the latest abortion measure.

The bill’s sponsor Senator Jason Rapert (R – Conway) is no stranger to tougher abortion laws. Rapert has previously supported and sponsored bills banning abortion at 20 and 12 weeks. Rapert says thisis the next logical step to give unborn children who are all loved by Jesus the rights they deserve. “At what point does a child of God’s life begin? I say it is the moment the decision to possibly make a child begins” says Rapert. “There are always opponents who say I am restricting women’s rights. I assure you I am only protecting the rights of a potentially born child.”

The bill has a fair share of opponents. In a recent opinion poll by RockCity Times we found that 95% of women with at minimum a college degree oppose the bill. 87% of unmarried men also with a college degree ages 18-35 also oppose the bill. Unfortunately both are highly unrepresented minorities in the State of Arkansas, accounting for only 15% of registered voters. Both groups were represented at the Capitol today in an organized protest. Proponents of the bill were unrepresented likely due to marathons of Duck Hunting Dynasty and Real Housewives of somewhere airing at the same time.

Rapert says the next steps following this victory will come in a bill he plans to submit to the Senate Monday banning all uses of the word No. We will have more on this potential new bill when it is presented.


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Arkansas Legislator Passes Law Banning Stopping at Third Base